Who we are

Our Impact

Since 2008 JusticeNet has been connecting individuals and organisations with pro bono lawyers so they can get the help they need.

Clients assisted
Average pro bono hours per file
Average legal fees per file
Estimated total pro bono work performed that would have otherwise gone unaided
Completed referrals 2022/23
*NB: this is a conservative estimate including referrals completed in 2022-23 from Pro Bono Connect only, it does not include ongoing matters, or the RASP matters

For JusticeNet, access to justice means providing high-quality legal help that is relevant to our client's needs. Through access to justice, we deliver life-changing solutions for our clients, such as:

  • Protecting human and legal rights
  • Navigating financial hardship
  • Avoiding homelessness  / stabilising housing
  • Improved dignity and well being
  • Enhanced capacity (charitable organisations)

Stories of Impact

The following cases studies illustrate the tangible impact that our work can have have on our client’s lives.

How we helped Edwina avoid homelessness

02 Nov 2023

Nearly 50 years ago, *Edwina’s parents moved into a SAHA property in Greater Adelaide, and many years later, she moved closer to her elderly parents to care for them. Edwina’s father suffered ...

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Sonya's story

01 Sep 2022

Sonya* is in her early-60s, receives the Disability Support Pension and lives in community housing. She was experiencing severe bullying from her neighbours, who complained in the hope that she wou...

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Zara's general protection claim

12 Mar 2022

Zara* was employed in a factory that was sold to a new employer, and her workplace moved to new premises. The new owner would, from time to time, smoke in the factory premises and would allow other...

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John is given the gift of time

18 Oct 2021

John* had been living in his public housing property for nearly 20 years. He was referred to Homeless Legal when his landlord obtained an order to evict him. John was devastated by the prospect of ...

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Max saved from homelessness

06 Oct 2021

Max was evicted by his landlord and so approached Homeless Legal for help. Max has been diagnosed with various mental health conditions and the stressors of 2020 really tripped him up. He lost his ...

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Saving Peter's Home

22 Mar 2021

JusticeNet’s Pro Bono Connect (PBC), recently represented an elderly man to defend eviction proceeding filed in SACAT, with the assistance of pro bono counsel, Marita Pangallo of Howard Zelling Cha...

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David avoids eviction

21 Mar 2021

David* is a pensioner and has been a tenant of Housing SA for 20 years. Recently, Housing SA applied to the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) to terminate his tenancy due t...

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Safe Haven a Step Closer for Mohen

21 Mar 2021

JusticeNet members Peter Barnes and Paula Stirling made a successful application on behalf of Mohen*, a Sri Lankan asylum seeker, for judicial review of a decision to refuse him a protection visa (...

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Debt Recovery for Jason

28 Sep 2020

Jason lives in public housing in Adelaide’s northern suburbs. He was born with an intellectual disability and deafness in one ear. He lived with his mother until she passed away and has been living...

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