
Get involved


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The best way you can support JusticeNet is to become a member. Your membership will strengthen our referral network and provide us with essential financial support.

JusticeNet welcomes individual and corporate memberships. You can view our current members, here. You can join or renew your existing membership online. Use our secure online facility to pay by credit or request an invoice for direct deposit payment.

Join / Renew my membership

JusticeNet promotes the coordinated and efficient use of pro bono legal resources for the benefit of those most in need. Our services encourage and facilitate legal practitioners to engage in pro bono work by:

  • being a resource for practitioners who have received a pro bono request for assistance that is not within their expertise or capacity to assist;
  • referring meritorious matters to law firms and barristers;
  • providing a structure that enables practitioners to give one-off or discrete legal task assistance; and
  • providing ongoing support, if needed, to firms and barristers who accept referrals.

What are the benefits of membership?

JusticeNet membership is affordable and carries a range of tangible benefits, including:

  • demonstration of the ethics and values of your law firm;
  • access to innovative and challenging pro bono opportunities to help those in need;
  • access to JusticeNet support for your pro bono program;
  • increased staff satisfaction and morale;
  • the opportunity to develop relationships with senior members of the bar and law firms which undertake pro bono work;
  • the option of staff secondments to JusticeNet;
  • contributing to a positive image of the profession and the justice system generally;
  • access to JusticeNet publications and resources; and
  • potential tax deductibility.

JusticeNet helps our member firms and barristers to provide pro bono assistance by:

  • offering a range of pro bono opportunities that cater for different operational needs, legal experience and expertise; 
  • thoroughly assessing and screening applicants, including for legal merit, to ensure eligibility; 
  • providing detailed and comprehensive briefs for participating barristers and solicitors;
  • providing ongoing training and support where required.

Current Membership fees

Updated 2 October 2024

Individual / Sole practitioner $145
Concession (student / unwaged) $55
Law firm with SA office $210 per SA Partner / Director
Law firm with no SA office $21 per national Partner / Director
Barristers Chambers $115 per barrister
In-house legal unit $1380
Government legal unit $1380
Law school $1380
Community Legal Centre $288

Join / Renew my membership


If you would like further information about membership of JusticeNet SA, please contact:

Rebecca Plummer on
Phone: (08) 8410 2280
Email: rplummer@justicenet.org.au