
JusticeNet SA

Contact us

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Pro Bono Connect

General Civil Law and Refugee & Asylum Seeker Assistance

IMPORTANT: Pro Bono Connect does not provide legal advice over the phone. For over the phone legal advice, please contact the Legal Help Line on 1300 366 424.

(08) 8410 2280


Homeless Legal

Legal help for individuals facing homelessness

(08) 8410 2280

Outreach locations
Hutt Street Centre
(08) 8418 2500 
Outreach times: 
10am - 12pm Monday by appointment 

Catherine House 
(08) 8232 2282 
Outreach times: 
11am - 12pm Tuesday by appointment

Baptist Care
(08) 8273 7100
Outreach times:
10am - 12pm Wednesday by appointment

Homeless Legal at SACAT
Homeless Legal provides phone appointments and advice to tenants facing eviction at SACAT
Appointment times: 9.30am - 11am Thursday by appointment

Self Representation Service

Help with civil law matters in the Federal Courts

1800 283 661
(08) 8410 2280 (for callers outside Adelaide)


Level 7, Commonwealth Law Courts Building
3 Angas Street
Adelaide SA 5001 

Postal Address

GPO Box 11024
Adelaide SA 5001