
Get involved


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Volunteering at JusticeNet is an important way that you can help us improve access to justice for vulnerable and disadvantaged South Australians.

Volunteering Opportunities

It is also an excellent opportunity for students and graduates to obtain practical legal experience. JusticeNet therefore aims to provide regular opportunities for law students and graduate lawyers to volunteer with JusticeNet.

"Volunteering at JusticeNet has helped me put the theoretical knowledge I have gained in Law School into practice. This experience has re-oriented my focus to people’s goals when faced with legal issues and given me the opportunity to be exposed to interesting areas of law beyond the bounds of the law school. Also, in doing so, you receive a great sense of helping others that were faced with limited options."

We have two intakes per year - January and July.

Applications for our current intake are now closed. Applications for the next intake will open in May 2025.

Due to the level of interest in these opportunities, JusticeNet has a competitive application process and you may be required to attend an interview.

The availability and number of volunteer positions available will depend on our assessment of the need at the time. Unfortunately, due to our limited resources, we will only make contact with shortlisted applicants. We are also unable to respond to applications outside of our advertised dates.

Practical Legal Training and GDLP placements

If you have an interest in pro bono and are looking to augment your existing legal knowledge with practical legal experience, JusticeNet offers opportunities to participate in the coordination of pro bono legal services in South Australia. JusticeNet looks for volunteers with a keen interest in social justice, good interpersonal skills, effective organisational skills and a strong academic record and/or demonstrated legal experience.

As a volunteer you can expect to handle enquiries from the public, review applications for pro bono assistance across the spectrum of civil law, research legal issues, draft advice and undertake fundamental legal administrative and file management tasks. You will gain experience working in a legal practice environment and gain an insight into the barriers facing vulnerable and disadvantaged members of the community. All of this is done as part of a small but supportive team.

You will have the opportunity to exercise your own judgement as certain matters arise. Your volunteer experience will put your legal skills to the test and teach you to back your judgment. Working with JusticeNet gives you a great insight into what to expect working in the community legal sector.

Due to the investment that JusticeNet staff will put into training you and developing your legal skills, there is a minimum time commitment from all volunteers of at least 1 full day per week for a semester.

Retired and 'career-break' lawyers

We would like to hear from retired and ‘career break’ practitioners who are looking for opportunities to assist disadvantaged South Australians. We welcome experienced practitioners who can provide their knowledge, skills and experience to perform vital work including:

  • conducting telephone or face-to-face client interviews and assessing applications for pro bono assistance for complex matters;
  • discrete project work on law reform/policy issues of relevance to JusticeNet; and 
  • participating in the delivery of low cost legal training to not-for-profit organisations

If you have an interest in contributing to JusticeNet, talk to our CEO, Rebecca Plummer on 8410 2280 or contact admin@justicenet.org.au. 


Legal secondments to JusticeNet provide a unique opportunity for practicing lawyers to engage in diverse and rewarding work for the benefit of vulnerable and disadvantaged members of the community.

If you are interested in taking up a secondment with JusticeNet, talk to our CEO, Rebecca Plummer on 8410 2280 or contact admin@justicenet.org.au