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Friends of JusticeNet

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For as little as $10 per month, you can help JusticeNet to continue providing vital pro bono legal help to disadvantaged members of our community.

Friends of JusticeNet make a monthly tax-deductible donation to support the work of JusticeNet SA. The contribution made by our Friends of JusticeNet provides us with reliable income that helps us plan effectively and deliver services more efficiently.

Friends of JusticeNet Ambassador

The Hon. Robyn Layton KC AO

A message from The Hon. Robyn Layton KC AO, South Australian of the Year 2012 and Friends of JusticeNet Ambassador:

“For those in our community who cannot afford a lawyer, legal problems can have far-reaching consequences on their dignity, well-being and financial security. I know how important it is to have expert legal advice, and I am proud of the work done by the members and supporters of JusticeNet to assist those who cannot afford legal advice or representation. As a ‘Friend of JusticeNet’, I know that I am helping to ensure the long-term future of this service. I encourage you to join me in making a monthly donation that will assist JusticeNet to continue its important work in facilitating access to justice in South Australia.”
Benefits of becoming a Friend of JusticeNet include:
  • your donation is 100% tax deductible
  • you only need sign up once to make an ongoing contribution to access to justice

Please use the following links to make your donation in increments of;